Roll + Release | A Myofascial Yoga Workshop with Julie Kelly-Smith
Saturday, June 14 3-5 PM
$25/Members $50/Non-Members - includes a TuneUP Fitness Therapy Ball
"Myo" means muscle, and "fascial" refers to the connective tissue that covers and supports muscles throughout the body. Myofascial release (MFR) involves a gentle, constant massage that alleviates tightness and pain in the myofascial tissues.
We’ll dive into self-discovery in this workshop finding pockets of facial tissue to release in classic yoga poses using Tune Up Fitness balls. Then, we’ll gently apply pressure until you feel the tension release.
Participants will receive their own Tune Up “therapy ball plus” to take home.
If MFR, and the topic of fascia, body awareness and self discovery intrigues you, come to Roll + Release with us!
About Julie:
Julie was initially drawn to Jill Miller’s tune up balls for working on c-section scar. Julie began to feel a “release” in her psoas which led to a deeper inquiry of what MFR could provide in other areas of the body that are overused, underused, misused or posturally abused. Now an avid tennis enthusiast Julie uses tune up balls to find facial release daily for general body upkeep and any pre-sport warm up to relieve tightness and improve performance.